The Roma wedding – a traveling spectacle in the form of “video-live”
- An open source system / content management system / – with the ability to support four Vlog-type sites – for each of the target villages.Primary domain is registered
The domain was hosted on a high-speed server and installed, as well as a content management system with the ability to support four Vlog sites for each of the target villages. An address / domain name / has been made to each of the four video presentation sites: - Video reports and presentation video films reflecting the cultural reflections of participants in the holiday rites; performers from various artistic genres and bearers of the Roma cultural tradition. The performance in the “video-live” format is a multimedia online video presentation of Roma culture and arts, which are traditionally included in the wedding celebrations and rituals of the Roma from the Thracian Lowland and the Thracian-Rhodope collar.
The plot development of the marriage rite and the wedding ceremony are only the foundation /canvas/ on which the multimedia approaches to the various artistic genres involved in the marriage customs are placed. Video clips demonstrating traditional wedding music and dance performances; the characteristic ritual costumes; the culinary specialties intended for the feast of the participants; the decoration and other elements of artistic value – most often included in customs are located in a specialized web application. In a technological aspect, it is a content management system – supporting audio and video files, arranged according to the chronology in the development of the holiday ritual:
Making the decision to marry and match; Visiting the bride’s home matchmaking/; Bargains related to the dowry – “grandma-ak”; The Engagement /The Target/ etc. - Video content reflecting the main genres of Roma culture and arts – included in marriage rituals. The multimedia online video presentation can be viewed through the users’ phones or on a large screen – as a streaming video /movie / or viewed through the web application interface – element by element, according to the user’s preferences and the context of cultural consumption.
This technological “flexibility” of the presentation format ensures its portability and its reach to a larger number of users and viewers.
4 . Integration of the four video blogs with social networks; Facebook’s tools for organizing events and electronic tools for composing streaming video.
The selected presentation format allows the presentation products to be easily and quickly integrated with social networks:
- integration with the project’s Facebook page
- Facebook group integration
The presentation products were published on the website of the SNC “National Association for Partnership and Unity” and were also broadcast by “Plovdiv Public Television”.
The choice of the online multimedia video format described in this way, in integration with social networks, stems from the set goals of Result-3 “IMPROVED AWARENESS OF ARTS AND CULTURE OF ETHNIC AND CULTURAL MINORITIES (FOCUS ON ROMA)” and the general and specific goals of the project proposal.
02.04.2024 г.
CONTRACT BGCULTURE-3.001-0020-C01 under the project “Roma folklore, celebrations and
rituals – cultural elements and cultural reflections”