for the implementation of “Information and Publicity” activity
Activity “Information and Publicity” from the project “Roma Folklore, Celebrations and Rituals – Cultural Elements and Cultural Reflections” is based on the requirements for full and accurate implementation of the Communication Plan and the technical terms of reference of the Contracting Authority – as well as on the basis of our offer.
For this purpose, we implemented the following activities and obtained the following results:
- Completed Communication Plan with the information and publicity activities foreseen in it
Maximum transparency and publicity regarding the progress of the project was ensured for representatives of the electronic media and interested parties; the quality of the created products and the impact of the results of the project – oriented towards the preservation and socialization of the Roma culture in relatively more remote and peripheral, compared to the urbanized centers, small settlements.
A specialized site was created to reflect the progress of the project
- Increased awareness of local communities and target groups about the opportunities created through financial support and the role of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the EEA FM. All target groups were covered, namely:
- Conducted information campaign during the holding and broadcasting/screening/of a traveling educational seminar in the four target villages
- Electronic and print media representatives: local media and journalists; local information centers and participants in social networks from the respective target territory. Representatives of interested parties from the four target territories: employees and experts from the local administration; community center workers; folklore artists, performers and groups; Roma leaders; teachers and local craftsmen from the four target settlements – the villages of Jagodovo, Bolyartsi, Joakim Gruevo and Malo Konare.
- Members of partner organizations and participants in the implementation of project activities. The impact on the participants in the implementation of the project activities, as well as on the members and employees of the local community centers and the “Indi-Roma” organization, was of the greatest intensity. They have expanded their capacity to transfer innovative cultural practices and organize cultural events in innovative formats.
4 Developed a specialized video channel on YouTube – “Roma Folklore” for distribution of the created video content; Facebook group “Roma Folklore, Celebrations and Rituals” and the “Video Library” application. These tools allow the distribution and publication of the video clips in electronic news publications and applications.
5 Created an animated video interpolation that is mounted on each produced video material
6 Web-design of the “Digital workshop on Romani folklore, celebrations and rituals in video format and the four video-blogs to present the local Romani marriage celebrations” The web-design of the developed applications was developed on the basis of two main domains:
Based on the two core domains, eight web applications have been created as follows:
Both groups of sub-domains are shaped with a specific design according to them
content and their user capabilities.
For more convenient browsing with users’ personal mobile devices, a mobile application has also been created that can be downloaded from the site
For demonstration of his work it can also be downloaded from this address –
7 . Implemented Communication Plan oriented towards greater awareness and publicity among the target groups.
The main objective of the publicity and information activities was to acquaint the local communities with the real changes in people’s lives and cultural processes in the target territories that occurred as a result of the implementation of the project. Through various information channels and interaction with all stakeholders, the products and results of the project were disseminated
The main result of the implementation of the activity was: Raising the awareness of local communities and target groups about the opportunities created through financial support and the role of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the EEA FM.
All planned activities in the Communication Plan were carried out in accordance with the criteria and requirements set out in the Communication and Design Manual of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and with those laid down in the Implementation Regulation of the EEA FM. All publications /on paper and in electronic format/, signs and advertising materials were designed with the corresponding design / logo and slogan of the FM of Norway and the Program “Cultural Entrepreneurship, Heritage and Cooperation”.